By Rita and Shelby Plantshop
August 10, 2024
As cannabis seeps deeper into the mainstream, it’s fast becoming appreciated as more of a lifestyle tool than a party habit. Which brings us to micro-dosing — the practice of consuming very small amounts of cannabinoids for therapeutic benefits without significant psychoactive effects. Ingesting 1-5 milligrams, typically of THC (but we also love CBD, CBG, CBN and THCV, to name a few!), helps users experience subtle benefits while maintaining clarity and functionality in daily life, minus the feeling of being high or impaired. Not surprisingly, microdosing has carved out a popular niche with new and old weed users alike looking for maximum benefits and minimal downsides. With a dosage of generally no more than 5 mg per serving, folks are not only able to combine marijuana usage while working, working out and socializing, but they’re also able to tap into benefits such as improved cognition and mood, enhanced creativity, reduced anxiety, improved sleep, pain relief and better focus. Additionally, low doses of cannabis minimize dreaded psychotropic side effects such as paranoia, monkey mind, giggle fits, dry mouth, munchie trips and inopportune drowsiness. Finding the dose that works best for you requires some experimentation. As always, we recommend starting low (dose) and slow, fine-tuning as needed. There are multiple consumption methods available depending on preference, taste, tolerance and a host of other factors. Edibles, oils and tinctures work best for precise dosing, but flower and and infused beverages work too. As you might have guessed, we got you covered on products over here at Plantshop! Plantshop carries two flavors of Petra 2.5 mg mints of THC per serving — tart cherry and pineapple. This is a fantastic, discreet option to keep in your bag or briefcase. For those who need help with sleep, check out Papa & Barkley’s Blackberry Elderberry releaf gummies , with 4 mg of THC per serving and enhanced with calming CBD and CBN (which research shows may be helpful for promoting good sleep and treating pain). CBD and CBN are both non-intoxicating cannabinoids. Garden Society’s 1:1 THC / CBG Brighter Day Pineapple fast-acting gummies fall on the higher dosage side, with 5 mg of THC and 5 mg of CBG per edible. These CBG-rich gummies are a fantastic daytime option, leaving you full of energy and focus. CBG is non-psychoactive, like CBD and CBN, and is known to boost mental clarity, increase appetite and decrease inflammation. On the flower front, Plants x Emerald Spirit Botanicals features Trilogy , a cultivar that showcases THC, CBG and THCV (shown to improve cognitive function). Trilogy offers an uplifting, sativa-like effect while reducing the experience of anxiety, pain, depression and promoting focus, energy and productivity. It’s important to note that with flower, you’ll be self dosing. But anecdotally, we’ve gotten lots of positive feedback that Trilogy in micro-amounts is a morning and daytime go-to game changer. A possible side-effect of micro-dosing is the likelihood that you’ll increase the frequency of consumption throughout the day. However, the effect should be one of enhancement rather than intoxicating. Microdosing can also help reset THC tolerance for previously heavy users. Shake up your cannabis routine and give microdosing a try — we’d love to hear your feedback!